(my commentary will be in blue)
Da Rules:
- No parents are allowed unnecessary knowledge about said group (we'd planned to embarck on this road trip in the dead of the night, just leaving a note on our beds to explain our absesce- which is obviously the most logical course of action if you want to enjoy yourself and stay our of trouble.)
- During every meeting, we must sit criss cross apple sauce in a cirle with a scented candle in the middle of us.
- This candle must be lit by the person who's house we are occupying
- All jewelry must be around candle and not on body
- No gold jewelry, it's ugly
- Phones shall be off and facedown in center of cirle, surrounding candle.
- No e-mailing, facebook, or improper internet use will be tolerated
- No hats on heads
- No contacts on eyes
- No underwear outside of clothes (It worries me that we thought this was important enough to write down)
- No white out is to be used ever within this Spongebob notebook.- tis blasphemy
- No taking pictures while in circle, except discreetly without looking (pretty sure this means that neither the photographer nor the subject can look at eachother while taking a picture...)
- No mention of Winnie the Pooh while in circle
- No mammals (besides us) within a five foot radius of circle
- No chairs or tables, as they inhibit the creative process
- No lingerie or sports bras (very important)
- At least one pillow must be present at all times
- Each member must adhere to color-coded system at all times (the actual color-coded system is referanced nowhere else, which makes things difficult)
- All members must be properly moisturized at all times
- All members must be present at every discussion.
- Only those whose names are on the cover can partake in said event (as if anybody else would crash our weird teenage cult meetings)
- No discussions outside of circle (I'm not sure if this rule refers to discussions about the trip, or just discussions in general)
- (and last but not least) If flatulating, one can momentarily leave circle, but only for 90 seconds maximum.